Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another Birthday

Tick Tock!

So, another year ticked by for me this month. Yes, I'm a double Gemini, which actually makes me 4 people rolled into one, and I'm beginning to look like it - every year getting a little wider! How does that happen? Well, actually, the truth is that I sit on my butt too much these days, causing it to spread, muscles weaken, and things settle. For all you in your 30's and 40's who think this just happens to someone else not as smart and firm as you - HA! I was a 100 lb athletic woman most of my life. You're not immune. Keep moving. Keep using those muscles or gravity will get you too!!!! Not being mean.....just stating a fact.

At 64 I've learned a few things and one of them is - get lazy and you will have to take pills and pills and more pills. Keeping on the move and pumping clean oxygen into your body regularly, daily, that's the secret to youth. I don't look bad at my age, but I don't feel great. Pretty sure it's because I didn't follow that rule.

So, here we are. My sweetie and me on my 64th in my favorite place on the planet; Lithia Park, Ashland Oregon. The place of my birth, my youth.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Calendars, Diaries & Journals

Days and Details
And 1/2 finished projects

Dad asked me yesterday what the date was the last time he was in the hospital. I drew a blank even though it was just a couple weeks ago. I had to come home and shuffle papers and then that didn't seem right either. So, I went to my blog to find out exactly the time line of his last two trips to the Hospital. Time really gets away from a person. Some people remember dates of everything so clearly, but my days seem to all melt into one another. I'm always promising myself I'll put everything down in my day timer, but that's not a physical thing anymore. It involves sitting at the computer, not opening a leather bound binder filled with sticky notes. I'm missing that, actually. I'm wanting the hand written word back. However..........I'm getting a vision of a perfectly ordered life on my computer, complete with pictures, dates, receipts. So incredibly orderly and perfect. My life in review. Kind of like a romantic movie. All scripted with lovely and perfect backgrounds, wardrobes. Sigh..........

WHO AM I KIDDING????? I would Just not get to it for days, weeks. There would be big blanks and there I'd be.....shuffling papers again, trying to figure out what the date was on the last hospital visit, just like today. Oh to be that orderly person I can be in brief segments.......ALL THE TIME! The person who ends the day with 15 minutes at the desk, stapling the notes and receipts to the "daily" page with a few scribbled highlights of the day in my own handwriting. some nice photos of the roses, my latest crochet creation, my loved ones, the sky, the sunset. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.. That's just my fantasy self/life.

However, today I will make more of an effort to be orderly and have information at my fingertips. And I'll finish that tote too! Now........where did I put that note to myself about the hospital dates??????????

Hoping you have an orderly, yet extraordinary day!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


One Giant Step

There are things you don't know whether to share with anyone or not. Windows into your personal life that aren't such a good view. But there are some things you need to get out anyway. So, I trust you won't judge too harshly. Here goes.........

My grandson graduated from high school last night. He's a great kid, almost a man. We differ in philosophies and politics, but who cares, I just adore him. I didn't receive my invitation to the ceremonies however. I did recieve an announcement the day after his graduation. I guess I should be grateful for that. My daughter and I haven't spoken in almost a year and only live about 3 miles from one another. My heart aches every day, but what can I say........ sometimes it's best to just release your children to find their own way.
Now Charlie will take his first steps in life to make all his own decisions, become the person he wants to be and what he can't have, hopefully he'll be gracious about it and be grateful for what he can have. I wish for him to find compassion, respect and appreciation for his elders and his peers. I wish him much love and little heartbreak and hope we become close again some day soon. All my love, good thoughts and wishes to him, his mom, dad and sister at this very special big step in his life. This is His time now....... let him use it wisely and fully, enjoying every possible moment.

With much love,

Grandmother Moon